Auction Date / Time
Saturday October 12th 10:00 a.m.
10/12 Marian Oller Estate Auction
Tractors * Skid Steer * Vehicle * Ditch Witch * Motorcycle * Buggy * Mule * Mowers * Welding * Misc
Tractor/Skid Steer/Vehicles/Ditch Witch:
3640 John Deere 850 Tractor 2200 hours, runs good, 3pt, model #-3T80J
3650 International McCormick Farmal Tractor Cub serial-42650, new rear tires, ran when parked
3644 Bobcat 743 skid steer 713 hrs, runs good,
3658 2002 Ford F150 runs and drives, 153,000 miles, good condition, 4X4, V8, Vin-1FTRX18L32NA84909
3663 Ditch Witch V30 Trencher Runs and operates, 1586 hrs
3643 Emerson Doctors Buggy good condition, wood spoke wheels, rubber tires
3645 Single Surrey Cart single pony cart, rubber tires, wood seat
3501 Cushman motorcycle not running, engine is free, engine # 878972
3651 1999 Kawasaki Mule- 4X4, diesel, 935hrs, cab w/doors, manual dump bed
Tillage/ 3PT:
3505 3pt Disk 6ft width, offset disk, good condition
3506 3pt Disk 6ft width, offset disk, notched blades, good condition
3507 3pt Tumblebug dirt mover works, 3ft wide
3603 3pt Plow 2 bottom plow, Ferguson
3626 3pt Scraper blade 6ft wide
3627 3pt Scraper blade 6ft wide
3628 King Kutter box blade 3pt, 5ft width, ripper teeth
3629 3pt Chisel
3630 3pt Chisel
3631 3pt Tiller
3637 Rotary Harrow 8ft, drawbar
3639 King Kutter Sub Soiler single shank, 3pt
3641 Topro 3pt quick attach very good condition
3642 3pt posthole digger
3648 TroyBilt Roto Tiller- 16” width supper bronco model, runs,
3632 3pt Flail mower 5.5ft, 540 pto, needs pto shaft
3633 Ford 3pt Rotary Mower 5.5ft width, needs, 540 pto, pto shaft
3634 King Kutter Finishing Mower 540 pto, 6ft width, needs belts
3635 King Kutter Finishing Mower 6ft width, needs belts
3636 3pt Rotary Mower 5ft width, 540 pto, mows good
3646 1995 Grasshopper 721D Mower Diesel, runs and mows, 61” cut, 723 hrs,
3647 Bantam Sod Cutter- replaced Briggs & Stratton motor
3638 3pt Sprayer works well, 540 pto, booms and broadcast nozzles
3659 Sprayer 25 gallon, electric pump
Welding Misc:
3649 Welding Trailer- cutting torch, hose/torch, 2 bottles, Lincoln 8 welder, 250 hrs, leads, trailer dimensions, 63”X100”
3653 Millermatic Welder- oxygen bottle, works, spool gun, helmet
3654 Plasma Cutter Cut-60, digital readout, works, cart
3655 Lincoln Welder sp-175 plus, cart, works 3656 Sandblaster extra tips, good
3667 Lincoln Welder stick welder, works, AC-225-S
3652 Coca Cola Cooler- Glasco, GBV-50, model-A-30000, motor runs and unit cools
3657 Hurricleaner Power Washer propane heat, electric pump
3660 Craftsman, 10 inch ban saw 3661 Sanborn Air compressor
3661 Sanborn Air Compressor, works, 5hp
3662 Antique Post Office Box
3664 Onan Generator Pro6000E
3665 Hydraulic Press
3666 Craftsman weed trimmer 5hp, works
Many more items to be sold, see photos on our web site!
Auctioneers Note: This auction is full of very nice shop tools, vehicles and 3 pt attachments. Make sure to put this auction on your calendar. For more information on this sale call Larin Wiens at 580-542-9060.
Preview: Preview larger items on your own during daylight hours
Checkout Date & Time: Day of the auction unless other arrangements have been made. Loading will be available day of sale for items under 1500 Ibs. No loading dock. Make arrangements with Larin Wiens 580-542-9060
Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Check, Credit Card
Internet Bidding: will be available on some items by logging on to www.lippardauctions.com to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Disclaimer all information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Financing must be in order prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising or comments.
SELLERS: Marian Oller Estate
3421 N Oakwood Rd Enid, Ok 73703
Directions: From 412 Highway & Oakwood Rd, go 2 3/4 miles north to auction site on east side of the rd. Watch for sign.
3421 N Oakwood Rd Enid, Ok 73703
10/12 Marian Oller Estate Auction
Tractors * Skid Steer * Vehicle * Ditch Witch * Motorcycle * Buggy * Mule * Mowers * Welding * Misc
Tractor/Skid Steer/Vehicles/Ditch Witch:
3640 John Deere 850 Tractor 2200 hours, runs good, 3pt, model #-3T80J
3650 International McCormick Farmal Tractor Cub serial-42650, new rear tires, ran when parked
3644 Bobcat 743 skid steer 713 hrs, runs good,
3658 2002 Ford F150 runs and drives, 153,000 miles, good condition, 4X4, V8, Vin-1FTRX18L32NA84909
3663 Ditch Witch V30 Trencher Runs and operates, 1586 hrs
3643 Emerson Doctors Buggy good condition, wood spoke wheels, rubber tires
3645 Single Surrey Cart single pony cart, rubber tires, wood seat
3501 Cushman motorcycle not running, engine is free, engine # 878972
3651 1999 Kawasaki Mule- 4X4, diesel, 935hrs, cab w/doors, manual dump bed
Tillage/ 3PT:
3505 3pt Disk 6ft width, offset disk, good condition
3506 3pt Disk 6ft width, offset disk, notched blades, good condition
3507 3pt Tumblebug dirt mover works, 3ft wide
3603 3pt Plow 2 bottom plow, Ferguson
3626 3pt Scraper blade 6ft wide
3627 3pt Scraper blade 6ft wide
3628 King Kutter box blade 3pt, 5ft width, ripper teeth
3629 3pt Chisel
3630 3pt Chisel
3631 3pt Tiller
3637 Rotary Harrow 8ft, drawbar
3639 King Kutter Sub Soiler single shank, 3pt
3641 Topro 3pt quick attach very good condition
3642 3pt posthole digger
3648 TroyBilt Roto Tiller- 16” width supper bronco model, runs,
3632 3pt Flail mower 5.5ft, 540 pto, needs pto shaft
3633 Ford 3pt Rotary Mower 5.5ft width, needs, 540 pto, pto shaft
3634 King Kutter Finishing Mower 540 pto, 6ft width, needs belts
3635 King Kutter Finishing Mower 6ft width, needs belts
3636 3pt Rotary Mower 5ft width, 540 pto, mows good
3646 1995 Grasshopper 721D Mower Diesel, runs and mows, 61” cut, 723 hrs,
3647 Bantam Sod Cutter- replaced Briggs & Stratton motor
3638 3pt Sprayer works well, 540 pto, booms and broadcast nozzles
3659 Sprayer 25 gallon, electric pump
Welding Misc:
3649 Welding Trailer- cutting torch, hose/torch, 2 bottles, Lincoln 8 welder, 250 hrs, leads, trailer dimensions, 63”X100”
3653 Millermatic Welder- oxygen bottle, works, spool gun, helmet
3654 Plasma Cutter Cut-60, digital readout, works, cart
3655 Lincoln Welder sp-175 plus, cart, works 3656 Sandblaster extra tips, good
3667 Lincoln Welder stick welder, works, AC-225-S
3652 Coca Cola Cooler- Glasco, GBV-50, model-A-30000, motor runs and unit cools
3657 Hurricleaner Power Washer propane heat, electric pump
3660 Craftsman, 10 inch ban saw 3661 Sanborn Air compressor
3661 Sanborn Air Compressor, works, 5hp
3662 Antique Post Office Box
3664 Onan Generator Pro6000E
3665 Hydraulic Press
3666 Craftsman weed trimmer 5hp, works
Many more items to be sold, see photos on our web site!
Auctioneers Note: This auction is full of very nice shop tools, vehicles and 3 pt attachments. Make sure to put this auction on your calendar. For more information on this sale call Larin Wiens at 580-542-9060.
Preview: Preview larger items on your own during daylight hours
Checkout Date & Time: Day of the auction unless other arrangements have been made. Loading will be available day of sale for items under 1500 Ibs. No loading dock. Make arrangements with Larin Wiens 580-542-9060
Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Check, Credit Card
Internet Bidding: will be available on some items by logging on to www.lippardauctions.com to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Disclaimer all information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Financing must be in order prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising or comments.
SELLERS: Marian Oller Estate
3421 N Oakwood Rd Enid, Ok 73703
Directions: From 412 Highway & Oakwood Rd, go 2 3/4 miles north to auction site on east side of the rd. Watch for sign.