Auction Date / Time
AUCTION LOCATION: 12005 W. Willow Rd. Enid, Oklahoma
The Trinity Lutheran Church founded in the early 1900’s will be sold to the highest bidder on Friday December 20th at 10:00AM. The building is still complete with the old church bell located in the steeple. The building was built in the early 1900’s and has remained a church until present. The building does have endless possibilities for church organizations, rehabilitation, any type of commercial business or even a home site. The sanctuary is very nice with carpet flooring (hardwood underneath), and ceiling fans. The meeting hall is large and has hardwood flooring, ceiling fans and joins a full kitchen with serve through window. There are several class rooms, nursery, restrooms and the entire building has central heat/air conditioning. The building has composition shingle roof with exception to a small portion that has a flat roof. (Note: there is a small leak in the flat roof area and there is some damage in the sanctuary that needs repair). This is a very unique opportunity to start your missions work or convert the building to your needs.
Water Well, buyer will need to have a water well put on the property as it currently is getting water from the parsonage.
Property Viewing: Property can be viewed during 9am-5pm. For more information contact Troy Lippard 580-747-6747
Personal Property: All church pews and other related items will be offered to the high bidder first as a package deal.
Legal Description: .94 acres in the NE/Corner of the NE/4 of Section (3), Township (22) North, Range (8) W.I.M. a tract described as follows, to wit: beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Northeast Quarter, thence 16 Rods West along the North section line; Thence 11 Rods South; Thence 16 Rods East to the East section line, thence 11 Rods North along the East section line, to the point of beginning;
Garfield County, Oklahoma
Taxes: Exempt
Possession: will be given at closing.
Pre Offers: will not be entertained prior to the auction.
The following items are being excluded from the real estate.
All dishes and small appliances in kitchen All folding tables approx. 12 All folding chairs approx 100 Chair rack Glass showcase All church pews approx 20 Children’s tables and chairs Savin copier Baby bed File cabinets Portable wood cabinets Oak chairs All podems Baldwin piano and organ Book cases Metal shelving and storage cabinets Hitachi TV and VCR player Any other small loose items
Possession: will be given at closing.
Internet Bidding: will be available by logging online bidding link to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Terms/Conditions: 10% of the total purchase price is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title.
Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising.
12005 W. Willow Rd. Enid, Oklahoma
12005 W. Willow Rd. Enid, Oklahoma
AUCTION LOCATION: 12005 W. Willow Rd. Enid, Oklahoma
The Trinity Lutheran Church founded in the early 1900’s will be sold to the highest bidder on Friday December 20th at 10:00AM. The building is still complete with the old church bell located in the steeple. The building was built in the early 1900’s and has remained a church until present. The building does have endless possibilities for church organizations, rehabilitation, any type of commercial business or even a home site. The sanctuary is very nice with carpet flooring (hardwood underneath), and ceiling fans. The meeting hall is large and has hardwood flooring, ceiling fans and joins a full kitchen with serve through window. There are several class rooms, nursery, restrooms and the entire building has central heat/air conditioning. The building has composition shingle roof with exception to a small portion that has a flat roof. (Note: there is a small leak in the flat roof area and there is some damage in the sanctuary that needs repair). This is a very unique opportunity to start your missions work or convert the building to your needs.
Water Well, buyer will need to have a water well put on the property as it currently is getting water from the parsonage.
Property Viewing: Property can be viewed during 9am-5pm. For more information contact Troy Lippard 580-747-6747
Personal Property: All church pews and other related items will be offered to the high bidder first as a package deal.
Legal Description: .94 acres in the NE/Corner of the NE/4 of Section (3), Township (22) North, Range (8) W.I.M. a tract described as follows, to wit: beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Northeast Quarter, thence 16 Rods West along the North section line; Thence 11 Rods South; Thence 16 Rods East to the East section line, thence 11 Rods North along the East section line, to the point of beginning;
Garfield County, Oklahoma
Taxes: Exempt
Possession: will be given at closing.
Pre Offers: will not be entertained prior to the auction.
The following items are being excluded from the real estate.
All dishes and small appliances in kitchen All folding tables approx. 12 All folding chairs approx 100 Chair rack Glass showcase All church pews approx 20 Children’s tables and chairs Savin copier Baby bed File cabinets Portable wood cabinets Oak chairs All podems Baldwin piano and organ Book cases Metal shelving and storage cabinets Hitachi TV and VCR player Any other small loose items
Possession: will be given at closing.
Internet Bidding: will be available by logging online bidding link to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Terms/Conditions: 10% of the total purchase price is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title.
Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising.