Auction Date / Time
Tuesday Sept 17th 10AM
Tract 1 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $94.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3 miles west, then1 mile north, ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres that is all in native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing around the tract. There is also a large duck pond, some timber and joins Tracts 2 & 3 with a large corral that sits in the middle of the section that is on Tract 1 & 3.
F.S.A. information: This tract shows no base or yield.
Tract 2 – Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $211.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3 miles west, then1/2 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly all native grassland with large pond, timber, and gravel county road access. This property joins Tract 1 & 3
F.S.A. information: shows 68.25 DCP acres, no base
Tract 3 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $94.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3.5 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with two ponds, timber, blacktop frontage, excellent fencing and joins Tract 1 & 2. There is a partial corral system on this tract that joins with Tract 1
F.S.A. Information: This tract shows no base or yield
Tract 4 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 10-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $304.00
Directions: From Wakita, OK. go 4 miles south on Hwy 11A to CR130,then ½ mile west or from the intersection of Hwy 11 & 11A (south of Wakita, OK.) go 1 mile north to CR 130, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing, and county shale road access. This tract joins Tract 5
F.S.A. information: shows 155.01 DCP acres with 155.00 wheat base, 33 yield.
Tract 5 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 10-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $207.00
Directions: From Wakita, OK. Go 4 miles south on Hwy 11A to CR130 or from the intersection of Hwy 11 & 11A (south of Wakita, OK.) go 1 mile north to CR 130.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing, pond, solar water well, and Hwy 11A frontage access. This tract joins Tract 8
F.S.A. information: shows 155.71 DCP acres with 155.70 wheat base, 35 yield.
Tract 6 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 24-27N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $288.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 1 mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly grassland, pond, timber, excellent 5 wire fencing and Highway 11 frontage.
F.S.A. information: shows 77.07 DCP acres with 63.30 wheat base, and 40 yield
Tract 7 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 29-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $386.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 4 mile east to Trenton Rd, then 1 mile south to CR 150, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on east side), pond, corral and county shale road access. This tract joins Tract 8
F.S.A. information: shows 149.14 DCP acre, 148.40 wheat base acres, 30 yield.
Tract 8 – Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 29-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $198.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 4 mile east to Trenton Rd, then 1 mile south to CR 150.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on west side), solar water well, and blacktop frontage along east side. This tract joins Tract 7
F.S.A. information: shows 158.58 DCP acres with 158.58 wheat base, 40 yield.
Tract 9 – Sells No Reserve South 74.70 acres of NE/4 of 24-27N-7 W.I.M Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $176.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 8 mile east to CR 870 Rd, then 1/4 mile south.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 74.70 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on south side). This tract joins Tract 10
F.S.A. information: shows 76.14 DCP acres with 76.10 wheat base, 28 yield.
Tract 10 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 24-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $433.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 8 mile east to CR 870 Rd, then 1/2 mile south.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on north side), pond, solar water well, and county road access. This tract joins Tract 9 and is improved with a 28’x 158’ round top machinery shed, concrete floor, with 24’ x 14’ door and walk-in door and a 2,000 bushel grain storage.
F.S.A. information: shows 154.67 DCP acres with 154.67 wheat base, 28 yield.
Possession: building at closing.
Tract 11 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 26-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $686.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 (North of Enid, OK.), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 2.5 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass waterway and joins Tract 12. No fencing, Spring fed creek, good duck hunting.
F.S.A. information: shows 125.92 DCP acres with: 90.60 wheat base, 40 yield; 2.10 oat base, 43 yield; 1.70 corn base, 67 yield; 1.80 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.0 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 12– Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 26-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $535.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 (North of Enid, OK.), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north then ½ mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass waterway and joins Tract 11. No fencing, spring fed creek, good duck hunting.
F.S.A. information: shows 113.21 DCP acres with: 89.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 2.30 oat base, 43 yield; 1.80 corn base, 67 yield; 1.90 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 2.10 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 13 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $671.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land that lies very nicely.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 29 & 30 showing 86.81 DCP acres, 81.50 wheat base, 37 yield and 3acre corn base with 67 yield.
Tract 14 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant, Co. OK.
Taxes: $618.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1.5 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land and lies very nicely.
Tract 15 Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 19-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $680.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR 210/Garvin Rd.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land with blacktop frontage. This farm lies very nicely!
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 28 and shows 191.99 DCP acres with: 146.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 3.70 oat base, 43 yield; 3.00 corn base, 67 yield; 3.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.4 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 16 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 3-25N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $573.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 850, then1 mile north to Dewey road, then ½ west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture. Excellent 5 wire fencing around the tract. There is solar water well, and cattle break.
F.S.A. information: shows 143.89 DCP acres with 50.06 wheat base and 40 yield
Tract 17 – Sells No Reserve W/2 of NE/4 36-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $293.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1.25 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 80 acres and is mostly all cultivated with pond and solar water well.
F.S.A. information: shows 32.10 wheat base acres; 40 yield; 1.5 oat base, 43 yield; 1.20 corn base 67 yield; 1.3 grain sorghum base, 38 yield
Tract 18 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 35-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $667.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 1.5 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass pasture and waterway. Nice 5 wire fencing around grass pasture.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 19 showing 130.90 wheat base, 40 yield; 4 acre corn base, 67 yield; 5 acre oat base, 43 yield; 4.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield and 7.80 soybean base with 9 yield
Tract 19 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 35-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $503.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 1 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture with some cropland. Nice 5 wire fencing around the grass pasture, rural water, and cattle break.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 19 showing 130.90 wheat base, 40 yield; 4 acre corn base, 67 yield; 5 acre oat base, 43 yield; 4.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield and 7.80 soybean base with 9 yield
Tract 20 – Sells No Reserve 1.31± acres in Lot 5 of SE/4 of 22-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $ combined with Tract 21 (log home)
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, 3 miles north then ¼ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 1.31 acres and is improved frame home built in 2010 with 3,366 sq. ft. on main level with a full basement, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, comp roof, hardboard siding, CH&A, (tenant currently living in home), carport, Generac generator, SW water, lagoon sewer
Pool and portable building belongs to tenant.
Tract 21 – Sells No Reserve 63.66± acres in Lot 5 of SE/4 of 22-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK., acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ combined with Tract 20 (small home)
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 63.66 acres and is improved with a very nice log home/lodge that consists of 5,044 sq. ft. of living area, 4-bedrooms, 3-bathrooms, 2-laundry rooms, 2-living areas with fireplaces, very nice basement, main lever and upstairs loft area. The home has an attached 3 car garage, lots of storage, and some very nice updates. The property also is improved with SW rural water, 3 phase electric, lagoon sewer system, 70’x70’ metal shop w/concrete, break room, bathroom, radiant heating, large doors (very nice), 50’x200’ hay barn, 50’x97 machine shed, nice dog house w/dog runs and pens, 32’x25’ metal storage building with concrete floor, numerous other smaller metal storage buildings, large cap. Fuel storage (above ground), several nice cattle pens w/auto water, grass pasture, Salt Fork River frontage, very nice property and very good hunting. Appliances sell with the home, water softener, Tankless Hot water recycling system, 2 sets of washer and dryers, 3 gun safes. More photos at the bottom of photo gallery.
F.S.A. information: shows 38.66 DCP no base or yield.
Tract 22 – Sells No Reserve 132.87± acres in Lots (9 & 10) and S/2 of SW/4 of 23-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 2,875.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 132.87 acres and is nicely improved with very nice cattle working facility and commercial elevator with drive on scales. There is a 40’x23’ scale house, 2-restrooms, office, grain probe, grain sampler (very nice), concrete block, sliding doors, fenced 14’x70’ drive on scale system. There is a 29’x57 cattle working facility barn, restroom, office, tack room, storage room, electric, water, LP heat with a Silencer Hyd working chute, adjustable alley system and circle tub. There are sorting alleys, pens (large and small), auto waters, and lots more. There is also 4- silage pits, and a 50×72 old hay barn. The Elevator has approximately 110,000 bushel grain storage that was rebuilt in 1998 and is currently in use and operating. This property has cropland, grass pasture and Salt Fork River frontage.
F.S.A. information: shows 88.03 DCP acres with: 70.20 wheat base, 40 yield; 1.80 oat base, 43 yield; 1.40 corn base, 67 yield; 1.50 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 1.60 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 23 – Sells No Reserve 61.54± acres in Lots (5-7) NE/4 of 23-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 211.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north, then 1 mile east, ½ mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 61.54 acres and is mostly all cultivated (currently in soybeans). This tract joins the Salt Fork River proving very good hunting/recreational opportunities.
F.S.A. information: shows 46.00 DCP acres with 34.40 wheat base, 40 yield; .90 oat base, 43 yield; .70 corn base, 67 yield; .80 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; .80 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 24 – Sells No Reserve 207.33± acres in Lots (1&2) in NW/4 & Lots (3&4) in SW/4 of 20-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 151.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 207.33 acres and is 90% grass pasture, timber with small portion of cropland. River frontage and Red Dirt Road (blacktop) frontage. This tract has very good hunting and recreation.
F.S.A. information: shows 27.48 DCP acres with 19.60 wheat base, 40 yield; .50 oat base, 43 yield; .40 corn base, 67yield; .40 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; .40 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 25 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NW/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $ 349.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1.5 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 161.13 acres and is mostly all cultivated (currently in milo) with native grass pasture, excellent 5 wire fencing around grass pasture and is improved with a nice metal building shooting range with long range grass range. This tract has a nice duck pond with blind (wood stove). Pond normally always has water in deep end and wet year’s pond will expand out. Historically very good duck and deer hunting! This tract joins Tracts 26 & 27.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 26 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NE/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $520.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ cultivated with balance in native grass pasture with excellent 5 wire fencing and cross fencing on the pasture. Very good hunting on this tract, with the Salt Fork River approximately 300 feet away from the property. This tract joins Tracts 25, 27 and 28. Wind Mill
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 27 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation SW/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $313.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1 ¾ mile west and follow curve south. Watch for sign
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ native grass pasture with balance cultivated (currently in milo). Excellent 5 wire fencing around the grass pasture and joins Tracts 29 & 30. Spring Fed Creek.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 28 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation SW/4 of 19-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $249.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR210/Garvin Rd, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture with some cropland. There is nice 5 wire fencing around the tract with solar water well, and very good hunting.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 15 and shows 191.99 DCP acres with: 146.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 3.70 oat base, 43 yield; 3.00 corn base, 67 yield; 3.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.4 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 29 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NW/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $470.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR285, 3 miles north, then 1 mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ cultivated (currently in milo) with native grass pasture and waterway. Spring Fed Creek.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 13 and shows 317.17.99 DCP acres with: 247.96 wheat base, 40 yield; 6.27 oat base, 43 yield; 4.97 corn base, 67 yield; 5.19 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 5.76 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 30 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NE/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $267.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR210/Garvin Rd, then 1 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is all native grass pasture with 5 wire fencing around it. There is a creek, pond and access coming from Red Hill blacktop road. Road will dead end into this property.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 13 showing 86.81 DCP acres, 81.50 wheat base, 37 yield and 3 acre corn base with 67 yield.
Tract 31 – Sells No Reserve S/2 of NE/4 15-24N-9 W.I.M. Alfalfa Co. OK.
Taxes: $48.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 45 & CR 2730 on the NE corner of Goltry, OK. go 1.5 mile North.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 80 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with trees, creek, rolling terrain and good access by county gravel road.
Property Viewing: Land may be viewed during daylight hours only. Viewing for homes and improvements can be done on Saturday September 7th 1-5pm or by appointment contact the auction company.
Auction Procedure: All tracts marked absolute will be offered individually and declared sold after each tract. Tracts marked subject to sellers confirmation will be rested until seller confirmation. Tracts will be sold by whole dollar not by the acre.
Auctioneers Note: Lippard Auctioneers, Inc. is excited to offer the Historic LeForce Hereford Ranch at public auction with most of the tracts being sold to the highest bidder with No Reserve! This is a truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to obtain all or a portion of this Historic LeForce Ranch! Read more on the Ranch at https://leforce.com/about-us
For more information contact Troy Lippard 580-747-6747 or Rodney Timm 580-548-6652
Several with Class I & II Soils (Look at maps under documents)
Possession for all Tracts: Cropland will be July 1, 2020, grass pasture will be at closing. Hunting: Hunting rights will be at closing.
Agricultural Leases: are available upon request, contact the auction company.
Farm Service Agency: U.S.D.A. 156EZ forms are available to view under documents on our website.
Minerals: Selling surface rights only
Equipment Auction: will be conducted September 24th 10 am at the LeForce Ranch Headquarters (Tract 21) view equipment on our website.
Pre-Auction Bids: Seller is Not entertaining any pre auction bids.
Phone Bidding: No phone bids will be accepted at this auction!
Internet Bidding: will be available by logging on line bidding link to register. Neither the auction company nor the seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Terms/Conditions: 10% of the total purchase is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title. Bidding will be by the whole dollar not per acre.
Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. All financing must be in order prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising or comments.
Video Tracts 1-3
Video Tracts 4-10
Video Tract 31
Video Tracts 11-30
See details.
see details.
111 W Purdue Enid OK 73701 Garfield County Expo Building
Tract 1 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $94.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3 miles west, then1 mile north, ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres that is all in native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing around the tract. There is also a large duck pond, some timber and joins Tracts 2 & 3 with a large corral that sits in the middle of the section that is on Tract 1 & 3.
F.S.A. information: This tract shows no base or yield.
Tract 2 – Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $211.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3 miles west, then1/2 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly all native grassland with large pond, timber, and gravel county road access. This property joins Tract 1 & 3
F.S.A. information: shows 68.25 DCP acres, no base
Tract 3 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 18-28N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $94.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK), go 6 miles north to Latimer Rd, then 3.5 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with two ponds, timber, blacktop frontage, excellent fencing and joins Tract 1 & 2. There is a partial corral system on this tract that joins with Tract 1
F.S.A. Information: This tract shows no base or yield
Tract 4 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 10-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $304.00
Directions: From Wakita, OK. go 4 miles south on Hwy 11A to CR130,then ½ mile west or from the intersection of Hwy 11 & 11A (south of Wakita, OK.) go 1 mile north to CR 130, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing, and county shale road access. This tract joins Tract 5
F.S.A. information: shows 155.01 DCP acres with 155.00 wheat base, 33 yield.
Tract 5 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 10-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $207.00
Directions: From Wakita, OK. Go 4 miles south on Hwy 11A to CR130 or from the intersection of Hwy 11 & 11A (south of Wakita, OK.) go 1 mile north to CR 130.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing, pond, solar water well, and Hwy 11A frontage access. This tract joins Tract 8
F.S.A. information: shows 155.71 DCP acres with 155.70 wheat base, 35 yield.
Tract 6 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 24-27N-8 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $288.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 1 mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly grassland, pond, timber, excellent 5 wire fencing and Highway 11 frontage.
F.S.A. information: shows 77.07 DCP acres with 63.30 wheat base, and 40 yield
Tract 7 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 29-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $386.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 4 mile east to Trenton Rd, then 1 mile south to CR 150, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on east side), pond, corral and county shale road access. This tract joins Tract 8
F.S.A. information: shows 149.14 DCP acre, 148.40 wheat base acres, 30 yield.
Tract 8 – Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 29-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $198.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 4 mile east to Trenton Rd, then 1 mile south to CR 150.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on west side), solar water well, and blacktop frontage along east side. This tract joins Tract 7
F.S.A. information: shows 158.58 DCP acres with 158.58 wheat base, 40 yield.
Tract 9 – Sells No Reserve South 74.70 acres of NE/4 of 24-27N-7 W.I.M Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $176.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 8 mile east to CR 870 Rd, then 1/4 mile south.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 74.70 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on south side). This tract joins Tract 10
F.S.A. information: shows 76.14 DCP acres with 76.10 wheat base, 28 yield.
Tract 10 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 24-27N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $433.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 11 & 132 (north of Nash, OK.) go 8 mile east to CR 870 Rd, then 1/2 mile south.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with excellent 5 wire fencing on three sides, (no fence on north side), pond, solar water well, and county road access. This tract joins Tract 9 and is improved with a 28’x 158’ round top machinery shed, concrete floor, with 24’ x 14’ door and walk-in door and a 2,000 bushel grain storage.
F.S.A. information: shows 154.67 DCP acres with 154.67 wheat base, 28 yield.
Possession: building at closing.
Tract 11 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 26-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $686.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 (North of Enid, OK.), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 2.5 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass waterway and joins Tract 12. No fencing, Spring fed creek, good duck hunting.
F.S.A. information: shows 125.92 DCP acres with: 90.60 wheat base, 40 yield; 2.10 oat base, 43 yield; 1.70 corn base, 67 yield; 1.80 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.0 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 12– Sells No Reserve NE/4 of 26-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $535.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 (North of Enid, OK.), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north then ½ mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass waterway and joins Tract 11. No fencing, spring fed creek, good duck hunting.
F.S.A. information: shows 113.21 DCP acres with: 89.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 2.30 oat base, 43 yield; 1.80 corn base, 67 yield; 1.90 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 2.10 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 13 – Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $671.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land that lies very nicely.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 29 & 30 showing 86.81 DCP acres, 81.50 wheat base, 37 yield and 3acre corn base with 67 yield.
Tract 14 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant, Co. OK.
Taxes: $618.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1.5 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land and lies very nicely.
Tract 15 Sells No Reserve SE/4 of 19-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $680.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR 210/Garvin Rd.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated land with blacktop frontage. This farm lies very nicely!
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 28 and shows 191.99 DCP acres with: 146.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 3.70 oat base, 43 yield; 3.00 corn base, 67 yield; 3.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.4 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 16 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 3-25N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $573.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 850, then1 mile north to Dewey road, then ½ west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture. Excellent 5 wire fencing around the tract. There is solar water well, and cattle break.
F.S.A. information: shows 143.89 DCP acres with 50.06 wheat base and 40 yield
Tract 17 – Sells No Reserve W/2 of NE/4 36-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $293.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 2 miles north to CR 220, then 1.25 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 80 acres and is mostly all cultivated with pond and solar water well.
F.S.A. information: shows 32.10 wheat base acres; 40 yield; 1.5 oat base, 43 yield; 1.20 corn base 67 yield; 1.3 grain sorghum base, 38 yield
Tract 18 – Sells No Reserve NW/4 of 35-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $667.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 1.5 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all cultivated with grass pasture and waterway. Nice 5 wire fencing around grass pasture.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 19 showing 130.90 wheat base, 40 yield; 4 acre corn base, 67 yield; 5 acre oat base, 43 yield; 4.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield and 7.80 soybean base with 9 yield
Tract 19 – Sells No Reserve SW/4 of 35-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $503.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 1 mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture with some cropland. Nice 5 wire fencing around the grass pasture, rural water, and cattle break.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 19 showing 130.90 wheat base, 40 yield; 4 acre corn base, 67 yield; 5 acre oat base, 43 yield; 4.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield and 7.80 soybean base with 9 yield
Tract 20 – Sells No Reserve 1.31± acres in Lot 5 of SE/4 of 22-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $ combined with Tract 21 (log home)
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, 3 miles north then ¼ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 1.31 acres and is improved frame home built in 2010 with 3,366 sq. ft. on main level with a full basement, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, comp roof, hardboard siding, CH&A, (tenant currently living in home), carport, Generac generator, SW water, lagoon sewer
Pool and portable building belongs to tenant.
Tract 21 – Sells No Reserve 63.66± acres in Lot 5 of SE/4 of 22-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK., acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ combined with Tract 20 (small home)
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 63.66 acres and is improved with a very nice log home/lodge that consists of 5,044 sq. ft. of living area, 4-bedrooms, 3-bathrooms, 2-laundry rooms, 2-living areas with fireplaces, very nice basement, main lever and upstairs loft area. The home has an attached 3 car garage, lots of storage, and some very nice updates. The property also is improved with SW rural water, 3 phase electric, lagoon sewer system, 70’x70’ metal shop w/concrete, break room, bathroom, radiant heating, large doors (very nice), 50’x200’ hay barn, 50’x97 machine shed, nice dog house w/dog runs and pens, 32’x25’ metal storage building with concrete floor, numerous other smaller metal storage buildings, large cap. Fuel storage (above ground), several nice cattle pens w/auto water, grass pasture, Salt Fork River frontage, very nice property and very good hunting. Appliances sell with the home, water softener, Tankless Hot water recycling system, 2 sets of washer and dryers, 3 gun safes. More photos at the bottom of photo gallery.
F.S.A. information: shows 38.66 DCP no base or yield.
Tract 22 – Sells No Reserve 132.87± acres in Lots (9 & 10) and S/2 of SW/4 of 23-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 2,875.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 132.87 acres and is nicely improved with very nice cattle working facility and commercial elevator with drive on scales. There is a 40’x23’ scale house, 2-restrooms, office, grain probe, grain sampler (very nice), concrete block, sliding doors, fenced 14’x70’ drive on scale system. There is a 29’x57 cattle working facility barn, restroom, office, tack room, storage room, electric, water, LP heat with a Silencer Hyd working chute, adjustable alley system and circle tub. There are sorting alleys, pens (large and small), auto waters, and lots more. There is also 4- silage pits, and a 50×72 old hay barn. The Elevator has approximately 110,000 bushel grain storage that was rebuilt in 1998 and is currently in use and operating. This property has cropland, grass pasture and Salt Fork River frontage.
F.S.A. information: shows 88.03 DCP acres with: 70.20 wheat base, 40 yield; 1.80 oat base, 43 yield; 1.40 corn base, 67 yield; 1.50 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 1.60 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 23 – Sells No Reserve 61.54± acres in Lots (5-7) NE/4 of 23-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 211.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR 285, then 3 miles north, then 1 mile east, ½ mile north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 61.54 acres and is mostly all cultivated (currently in soybeans). This tract joins the Salt Fork River proving very good hunting/recreational opportunities.
F.S.A. information: shows 46.00 DCP acres with 34.40 wheat base, 40 yield; .90 oat base, 43 yield; .70 corn base, 67 yield; .80 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; .80 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 24 – Sells No Reserve 207.33± acres in Lots (1&2) in NW/4 & Lots (3&4) in SW/4 of 20-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK. acreage includes Accretion.
Taxes: $ 151.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 207.33 acres and is 90% grass pasture, timber with small portion of cropland. River frontage and Red Dirt Road (blacktop) frontage. This tract has very good hunting and recreation.
F.S.A. information: shows 27.48 DCP acres with 19.60 wheat base, 40 yield; .50 oat base, 43 yield; .40 corn base, 67yield; .40 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; .40 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 25 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NW/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $ 349.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1.5 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 161.13 acres and is mostly all cultivated (currently in milo) with native grass pasture, excellent 5 wire fencing around grass pasture and is improved with a nice metal building shooting range with long range grass range. This tract has a nice duck pond with blind (wood stove). Pond normally always has water in deep end and wet year’s pond will expand out. Historically very good duck and deer hunting! This tract joins Tracts 26 & 27.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 26 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NE/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $520.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1 mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ cultivated with balance in native grass pasture with excellent 5 wire fencing and cross fencing on the pasture. Very good hunting on this tract, with the Salt Fork River approximately 300 feet away from the property. This tract joins Tracts 25, 27 and 28. Wind Mill
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 27 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation SW/4 of 24-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $313.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 4 miles north to CR200/Grady Rd, then 1 ¾ mile west and follow curve south. Watch for sign
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ native grass pasture with balance cultivated (currently in milo). Excellent 5 wire fencing around the grass pasture and joins Tracts 29 & 30. Spring Fed Creek.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tracts 25, 26 & 27 and shows 244.61 DCP acres with: 191.24 wheat base, 40 yield; 4.83 oat base, 43 yield; 3.83 corn base, 67 yield; 4.01 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 4.44 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 28 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation SW/4 of 19-26N-6 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $249.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR210/Garvin Rd, then ½ mile west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is mostly all native grass pasture with some cropland. There is nice 5 wire fencing around the tract with solar water well, and very good hunting.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 15 and shows 191.99 DCP acres with: 146.80 wheat base, 40 yield; 3.70 oat base, 43 yield; 3.00 corn base, 67 yield; 3.20 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 3.4 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 29 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NW/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $470.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles west to CR285, 3 miles north, then 1 mile east.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is ¾ cultivated (currently in milo) with native grass pasture and waterway. Spring Fed Creek.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 13 and shows 317.17.99 DCP acres with: 247.96 wheat base, 40 yield; 6.27 oat base, 43 yield; 4.97 corn base, 67 yield; 5.19 grain sorghum base, 38 yield; 5.76 soybean base, 9 yield.
Tract 30 – Sells subject to seller’s confirmation NE/4 of 25-26N-7 W.I.M. Grant Co. OK.
Taxes: $267.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 81 & 64 North of Enid, OK), go 3 miles north to CR210/Garvin Rd, then 1 miles west.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 160 acres and is all native grass pasture with 5 wire fencing around it. There is a creek, pond and access coming from Red Hill blacktop road. Road will dead end into this property.
F.S.A. information: This tract is combined with Tract 13 showing 86.81 DCP acres, 81.50 wheat base, 37 yield and 3 acre corn base with 67 yield.
Tract 31 – Sells No Reserve S/2 of NE/4 15-24N-9 W.I.M. Alfalfa Co. OK.
Taxes: $48.00
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 45 & CR 2730 on the NE corner of Goltry, OK. go 1.5 mile North.
Description: This tract consists of approximately 80 acres and is comprised of mostly native grassland with trees, creek, rolling terrain and good access by county gravel road.
Property Viewing: Land may be viewed during daylight hours only. Viewing for homes and improvements can be done on Saturday September 7th 1-5pm or by appointment contact the auction company.
Auction Procedure: All tracts marked absolute will be offered individually and declared sold after each tract. Tracts marked subject to sellers confirmation will be rested until seller confirmation. Tracts will be sold by whole dollar not by the acre.
Auctioneers Note: Lippard Auctioneers, Inc. is excited to offer the Historic LeForce Hereford Ranch at public auction with most of the tracts being sold to the highest bidder with No Reserve! This is a truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to obtain all or a portion of this Historic LeForce Ranch! Read more on the Ranch at https://leforce.com/about-us
For more information contact Troy Lippard 580-747-6747 or Rodney Timm 580-548-6652
Several with Class I & II Soils (Look at maps under documents)
Possession for all Tracts: Cropland will be July 1, 2020, grass pasture will be at closing. Hunting: Hunting rights will be at closing.
Agricultural Leases: are available upon request, contact the auction company.
Farm Service Agency: U.S.D.A. 156EZ forms are available to view under documents on our website.
Minerals: Selling surface rights only
Equipment Auction: will be conducted September 24th 10 am at the LeForce Ranch Headquarters (Tract 21) view equipment on our website.
Pre-Auction Bids: Seller is Not entertaining any pre auction bids.
Phone Bidding: No phone bids will be accepted at this auction!
Internet Bidding: will be available by logging on line bidding link to register. Neither the auction company nor the seller is responsible in the event of loss of signal by either side.
Terms/Conditions: 10% of the total purchase is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title. Bidding will be by the whole dollar not per acre.
Disclaimer: All information has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the auction company or the seller. Buyers should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. All financing must be in order prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede all advertising or comments.
Video Tracts 1-3
Video Tracts 4-10
Video Tract 31
Video Tracts 11-30
See details.
see details.